[65]参《从 1780 年开始:国家与民族主义(Nations and Nationalism since 1780)》(Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,1990)。
[66]《大不列颠:打造国家:1707 ~ 1837(Briton : Forging the Nation,1707-1837)》(New Haven,Conn.: Yale University Press,1992,p. 295)。
[67]《想象的共同体》,第 11 页。
[68]《华夏边缘:历史记忆与族群认同》,第 51 页。
[69]Paul Ricoeur,Phenomenology and the Social Sciences,ed.by J. Bier,The Hague: Martinus Nijhaf,1978,PP. 45-46);cited from Ana Maria Alonso,“The Effects of Truth: Re-presentations of the Past and the Imagining of Community,”Journal of Historical Sociology,Vol. 1,No.1(March 1988),p.40.